
Phone: 1-888-753-8681

Phone: 1-888-753-8681


Charitable Organization # 88448 7026 RR0001


What are some ways I can partner with the Foundation as an individual?

  • “Pass the hat” around to your networks and send a child to summer camp.
  • Make a donation to help a youth further their education.
  • Contribute to help support unique, child-centered community-based programs for equity-deserving kids.
  • Participate in Foundation Fundraising Events like LemonAid Days, Season of Sharing and the Back-to-School Supply Drive.

What are some ways for Companies / Clubs / Professionals to partner with the CFSGE Foundation?

  • Hold a dress-down day and use the proceeds to send a child to camp.
  • Offer discounted rates for children to participate in your program activities as extra-curricular, life enriching opportunities (i.e. dancing, hockey, art, theatre, horseback riding, etc.)
  • Provide in-kind items and/or services outlined on our Ongoing Needs List to help keep cupboards stocked for families and youth in the service of CFSGE.
  • Invite us to your next meeting and allow us to share with you the work of the Foundation and the impact our donor community has on the lives of children, youth and families in Grand Erie
  • Offer space to our Foundation for any of the variety of donation drives we hold throughout the year.